SMV Virtual Consulting

From Resistance to Results: Empowering Your Team to Utilize your PM System

Have you ever thought implementing a project management tool like ClickUp, Asana, Airtable, SmartSuite,, etc. would solve all your work-related problems? We’ve seen dozens of clients come into system implementation projects with that way of thinking, but in the spirit of transparency, it tends to be more complex than that. Sure, project management tools are designed to simplify the organization of tasks and projects, making it easier for teams to collaborate and communicate effectively. But despite the obvious benefits of using these tools, many teams fail to utilize them effectively. As we always say, setting up and managing you system is the easy part. Managing your people and setting them up for success as they adopt the new system is harder. If your team is struggling to use your PM system, here are some likely reasons why and tips on how to solve them:


“It’s too hard to navigate.”


If your team is finding it difficult to navigate your PM system, it’s likely that the tool wasn’t set up in a simple and concise way. To solve this, take a step back and review the tool’s current structure. Simplify the navigation so that it’s easier to find what’s needed. Ensure that the tool’s terminology and interface is intuitive and easy to understand. Additionally, providing live training sessions or tutorial videos can be extremely helpful in setting your team up for success.


“This system feels foreign to me and I don’t understand technology.”


Sometimes, team members may not be familiar with the PM tool or may not be tech-savvy. This can make them hesitant to use the system or unsure of what to do within it. This is an incredibly common issue! As a solution, consider providing resources or training sessions with the goal of walking team members through the system’s key features. Provide step-by-step instructions and visual aids to make it easy for them to follow along. Encourage them to ask questions and provide ongoing support as needed.


“I don’t feel like anyone cares if I use the system or not.”


If your team is still relying on internal emails or other communication channels instead of the PM tool, it may be because they aren’t being held accountable for using the system. To solve this issue, make it clear that the PM tool should be considered the “source of truth” for all company projects and tasks. Set expectations for using the tool and hold team members accountable for doing so. For example, require that all project updates, task assignments, and status reports be entered into the PM tool. This will help reinforce the importance of the tool and encourage team members to use it more frequently.


If you’re familiar with project management tools, you know they can be extremely powerful assets for teams when used correctly. If your team isn’t utilizing your PM system to its fullest potential, take a step back and identify the root cause of the issue. Then, take action to address the issue and ensure that team members are trained, supported, and held accountable for using the system. With the right approach, you can get your team back on track and reap the benefits of a well-organized and collaborative project management process.

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